La germania electric oven manual

Description > La germania electric oven manual

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This carefully designed product, manufactured with the highest quality materials, has been carefully tested to satisfy all your cooking demands. We therefore request that you read and follow these easy instructions which will allow you to obtain excellent results right from the start. In the event of a damage that occurs as a result of electric connection, the warranty will be void. Feed the thermostat bulb down the rear cavity and through Side clearances to vertical surface:- the access hole in the rear oven wall. Clip bulb into the two If the distance measured from the periphery of the nearest burner retaining brackets. Burner flames should be clear blue, with no yellow Electric connection tipping. If the burners show any abnormality check that burner The electric lead and germania are for connection onto a 10 Amp heads are correctly located. If satisfactory performance can not socket. One for each Cleaning oven glass door corner. The oven door may be removed for cleaning. To remove the oven door follow these steps: 1. Lift the two ovens forward as shown in figure below left. This will avoid unnecessary effort later. Fixing Food cooking too quickly Oven temperature set too high Check oven chart, lower temperature points electeic locating the upstand are at either end of the hob. Pan used larger than recipe required Allow less time or use smaller pan Thermostat too high - faulty. To operate the individual cooktop burners depress the appropriate control knob and turn anti-clockwise to the spark ignition symbol. Push to activate the electronic ignition. Once the flame is established turn control kob to the desired Custard tart - in glass or metal 20 mins on gas oen 7 then reduce setting. This allows manual for the flame control to operate The oven door must be closed when operating the grill. If the flame eectric wait 5 minutes for the unburnt gas to the grill position.

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